

Russian Lagest Outsourced Call Center

20/11/14 Telecontact: sales contrary to Newton's second law.

On 12th-13th of November in Moscow Holiday Inn Lesnaya Denis Sadowski, CEO of call-center TELECONTACT held a master class on sales.

During the Telemarketing & Telesales forum Telecontact shared its experience – how the outsourcing call-center can successfully influence on sales effectiveness:

  • Sales effectiveness depends not only on the quality of the staff on the line, but also on the systems used.
  • Examples of solutions, allowing increase conversion on outbound projects without additional staff expenses.
  • Illustrative examples of the benefits of deep integration of work processes between outsourcing CC and the Client.
  • How to set up the sales process in a right way and monitor its effectiveness.
  • Cost cutting vs cost optimization – how to reduce the cost of sales with increasing the quality of work.

Gone are the days when the requirement to the outsourcer was the simple scaling Client’s tasks.

Today to stay the leader on outsourcing market Telecontact develops, tests and offers innovative solutions in the field of sales management. Integrated approach to increasing the efficiency gives a synergistic effect .

Forum Telemarketing & Telesales - an event dedicated to the organization, optimization and improving the efficiency of telemarketing campaigns, training and motivation of staff in telesales, moving contact center from a cost center to a profit center of the company.

Among the key topics of the forum should be noted:

  • Creating of an effective system of telemarketing.
  • Cross-sale, sale on inbound and outbound calls.
  • Outsourcing telemarketing.
  • Monitoring and control of the quality of customer service.
  • Increasing the customer loyalty through a contact center.
  • Staff - the main component of successful sales
  • Coaching of generations. Building a system of staff motivation.


Telecontact is the best call center in Russia (, the leader of national outsourcing market (source: RBC Research). Above 4000 employees on 10 sites in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

Hundreds of CRM/BPO programs since 1999, local and European languages. Success stories with major international players. Award-winning solutions (awards of the Global Association for Contact Center Best Practices & Networking «ContactCenterWorld»), patented technologies, unique expertise.

  Telecontact, © 1999 - 2025